Research for climate change – adsorption-based gas separation for direct air capturing

The topic of “carbon capture” is on everyone’s lips. For example, in order to achieve the 2-degree climate target, carbon dioxide is adsorptively captured directly from exhaust gases or from ambient air in industry. In order to design the adsorption columns used for dynamic adsorption without having own experimental and simulative know-how, various tools are being developed as part of the funded project “Model-based design of adsorption columns for gas separation based on small-scale experiments” (MoGaTex):

2022 07 15 MoGaTex Process

The practical application of “Direct Air Capture” to demonstrate the tool chain also highlights a technology that can have an immense impact on the CO2 balance and thus counteracts global warming.

3P Instruments is proud to be part of the project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) together with TLK Energy GmbH and the Chair of Technical Thermodynamics, RWTH Aachen University.

Would you like to learn more about the project? Then read the article in the Innovation Radar on Climate Change of the Competence Network Environmental Business.NRW now [available in German only]:

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