3P Instruments stands for the comprehensive characterization of Particles, Powders and Pores and has developed into a leading international customer service center in the field of particle measurement technology:
– Technologically leading Bettersizer particle size analyzers from Bettersize Instruments for particle size analysis including particle shape
– High-tech BeNano instruments series combines dynamic light scattering (DLS), electro-phoretic light scattering (ELS) and static light scattering (SLS) to measure particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight as well as rheological properties
– Determination of particle size and zeta potential in original concentration
– Macroscopic powder characterization as well as density, tapped density and bulk density,
– Complete 3P device series for surface and pore characterization (macro-, meso-, micropores) using gas adsorption and vapour sorption
– mixSorb for practical studies of mixed gas and vapour sorption of technical adsorbents
– Unique cryoTune temperature control option for sorption studies in the 77 K – 353 K range
– Altamira instruments for the comprehensive characterization of catalysts with chemisorption and temperature-programmed reactions
– Customized Benchcat microreactor systems from Altamira and measuring systems from Rubolab with magnetic suspension balance and high-pressure sorption
– Dynamic water vapour sorption (DVS) etc.
All analyzers are also available in our LabSPA (Laboratory for Scientific Particle Analysis) for test and contract measurements.
Our research and development is the basis for the analyzers of the mixSorb series (mixed gas and vapour sorption) and their worldwide scientific and technical support. At www.dynamicsorption.com you will find scientific publications and explanations of the measurement possibilities of dynamic sorption methods.
Another highlight is our cryoTune series, which offers international research groups the opportunity to perform standard-compliant gas adsorption measurements with argon at 87 K, with CO2 at 195 K and all available adsorptives in a temperature-flexible manner.
Continuity and reliability in instruments servicing have ensured a high level of customer satisfaction for over 30 years. Professional services, flexibility and very fast response times are the basis for the work of our experienced service technicians. In this area, 3P Instruments also provides technical support for the CILAS laser granulometers and Quantachrome measuring instruments that we have been servicing for decades. If you need to repair an old CILAS or Quantachrome instrument, please contact 3P Instruments, because there is hardly any of the old instruments that we can no longer repair.
As 3P Instruments, we stand for customized solutions for the characterization of particles, powders and pores. Contact us unconventionally via info@3P-instruments.com before a planned purchase of new measurement technology, as well as if you are interested in contract measurements or the servicing of old devices – we are here for you!
3P Instruments stands for the comprehensive characterization of Particles, Powders and Pores and has developed into a leading international customer service center in the field of particle measurement technology:
– Technologically leading Bettersizer particle size analyzers from Bettersize Instruments for particle size analysis including particle shape
– High-tech BeNano instruments series combines dynamic light scattering (DLS), electro-phoretic light scattering (ELS) and static light scattering (SLS) to measure particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight as well as rheological properties
– Determination of particle size and zeta potential in original concentration
– Macroscopic powder characterization as well as density, tapped density and bulk density,
– Complete 3P device series for surface and pore characterization (macro-, meso-, micropores) using gas adsorption and vapour sorption
– mixSorb for practical studies of mixed gas and vapour sorption of technical adsorbents
– Unique cryoTune temperature control option for sorption studies in the 77 K – 353 K range
– Altamira instruments for the comprehensive characterization of catalysts with chemisorption and temperature-programmed reactions
– Customized Benchcat microreactor systems from Altamira and measuring systems from Rubolab with magnetic suspension balance and high-pressure sorption
– Dynamic water vapour sorption (DVS) etc.
All analyzers are also available in our LabSPA (Laboratory for Scientific Particle Analysis) for test and contract measurements.
Our research and development is the basis for the analyzers of the mixSorb series (mixed gas and vapour sorption) and their worldwide scientific and technical support. At www.dynamicsorption.com you will find scientific publications and explanations of the measurement possibilities of dynamic sorption methods.
Another highlight is our cryoTune series, which offers international research groups the opportunity to perform standard-compliant gas adsorption measurements with argon at 87 K, with CO2 at 195 K and all available adsorptives in a temperature-flexible manner.
Continuity and reliability in instruments servicing have ensured a high level of customer satisfaction for over 30 years. Professional services, flexibility and very fast response times are the basis for the work of our experienced service technicians. In this area, 3P Instruments also provides technical support for the CILAS laser granulometers and Quantachrome measuring instruments that we have been servicing for decades. If you need to repair an old CILAS or Quantachrome instrument, please contact 3P Instruments, because there is hardly any of the old instruments that we can no longer repair.
As 3P Instruments, we stand for customized solutions for the characterization of particles, powders and pores. Contact us unconventionally via info@3P-instruments.com before a planned purchase of new measurement technology, as well as if you are interested in contract measurements or the servicing of old devices – we are here for you!