CILAS 990/1090/1190 – Service


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CILAS 990/1090/1190 – Service

CILAS has stopped production of the CILAS-Lasergranulometers, however, we are still offering service and maintenance for all CILAS instruments:

  • The retreat of CILAS from the market of particle size instruments does not affect services of the 3P INSTRUMENTS GmbH & Co. KG
  • We will continue to offer the tried and tested services for all CILAS instruments, including maintenance and maintenance contracts
  • We explicitly advise, that software version, calibration, SOP and instrumental settings of your CILAS instrument have a direct influence on analytical results → Modification of any of the previously stated characteristics WILL change your results as a consequence!
  • All maintenance contracts retain their validity and you will still be able to enter new maintenance contracts with us

Are you interested in a new particle size analyzer?

3P INSTRUMENTS offers the next generation in particle size analysis – the Bettersizer-series for high resolution particle analysis in a range from 0.01 to 3500 µm. We would like to highlight three innovations of the Bettersizer S3 Plus over any given CILAS instrument – the Bettersizer is the „next generation in particle sizing“:

BETTERSIZER is “The Next Generation in Paricle Sizing”:

  • the Bettersizer S3 Plus is fitted with a double lense technology, which is optimal for the finer ranges at 10 nm
  • the Bettersizer S3 Plus includes a camera for particles up to 3500 µm, which is integrated into the analysis setup and optimal for the detection of oversize materials
  • the Bettersizer S3 Plus includes a secondary CCD-camera for parallel particle shape analysis, which is also integrated into the analytical setup
Der Bettersizer S3 Plus zur Bestimmung von Partikelform mittels statischer Lichtstreuung und dynamischer Bildanalyse per CCD-Kamera.
Der Bettersizer S3 Plus zur Bestimmung von Partikelform mittels statischer Lichtstreuung und dynamischer Bildanalyse per CCD-Kamera.

Of course we will be happy to perform test- and contract analysis for you in our LabSPA – Laboratory for Scientific Particle Analysis. Please use our contact sheet or get in touch with us by phone under +49 8134 9324 0 or E-Mail


Service hotline (Germany)
+49 8134 9324 0

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