New technical article in “Chemie Ingenieur Technik”: Nanomaterial identification according to EU definition
Nanomaterials frequently differ in their physical-chemical characteristics from their macroscopic characteristics of larger particles of the same material. Therefore, nano technology forms the basis for the development of numerous new and innovative products in a variety of industries (such as medicine/pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food products, dyes, electronics etc.) and has recently experienced rapid growth. However, the question has long been raised whether nanomaterials have negative effects on the environment and thus possibly pose a risk to human and animal health. Manufacturers from various industries are aware of this risk. Identification, characterization and risk assessment of nanomaterials is regulated in numerous ordinances and involve major challenges for the producers of such systems.
Therefore, special methods have been developed in the particle analysis laboratory of 3P Instruments – in accordance with the recommendation of the EU Commission – to evaluate particles, dispersions and powders as nano or non-nano. Among others, the new particle analyzer Bettersize BeNano 180 Zeta Pro was applied. In addition to particle size, it can also be used to determine the zeta potential and molecular weight of nanoparticles.
Download the article here and learn more [available in German language only]:
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